Source code for

import dataclasses
import itertools
import json
from typing import Callable, Collection, Dict

import dataclasses_json

from gamla import construct, functional_generic, operator
from gamla.optimized import sync

def _immutable(self, *args, **kws):
    raise TypeError("cannot change object - object is immutable")

[docs]class frozendict(dict): # noqa: N801 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__setattr__ = _immutable super(frozendict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.items())) def __gt__(self, other): return functional_generic.map_dict(dict.items, operator.identity)( self, ) > functional_generic.map_dict(dict.items, operator.identity)(other) # TODO(nitzo): Disabled since we need to be able to un-serialize with dill/pickle. # __setitem__ = _immutable __delitem__ = _immutable pop = _immutable popitem = _immutable clear = _immutable update = _immutable setdefault = _immutable
[docs]def get_encode_config(): """Display dataclass field as a tuple of JSON strings.""" return dataclasses.field( metadata=dataclasses_json.config( encoder=lambda lst: sorted(lst, key=json.dumps, reverse=False), ), )
def _freeze_nonterminal(v): if isinstance(v, Dict): return frozendict(v) return tuple(v) #: Freeze recursively a dictionary. #: #: >>> freeze_deep({"1": {"2": "345", "some-string": ["hello"]}}) #: data.frozendict( #: {"1": data.frozendict({"2": "345", "some-string": ("hello",)})}, #: ) freeze_deep = functional_generic.map_dict(_freeze_nonterminal, operator.identity)
[docs]class Enum(frozenset): def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self: return name raise AttributeError
def _do_on_positions(f, predicate: Callable[[int], bool]): return sync.compose_left( enumerate, sync.ternary( sync.compose_left( operator.head, predicate, ), sync.compose_left(operator.second, f), operator.second, ), ), )
[docs]def explode(*positions: Collection[int]): """Flattens a non homogeneous iterable. For an iterable where some positions are iterable and some are not, "explodes" the iterable, so that each element appears in a single row, and duplicates the non iterable. >>> functional_generic.pipe( ... ["x", ["y1", "y2", "y3"], "z"], ... data.explode(1), ... tuple, ... ) ( ("x", "y1", "z"), ("x", "y2", "z"), ("x", "y3", "z"), ) """ return sync.compose_left( _do_on_positions( construct.wrap_tuple, sync.complement(operator.contains(positions)), ),, )
[docs]def transform_if_not_none(transform: Callable, value): """ Apply a function on a given value if it's not None. Else, return the None value. >>> transform_if_not_none( ... functional_generic.when(operator.is_instance, lambda x: x.casefold())), ... "Some Title" ... ) 'some title' >>> transform_if_not_none( ... functional_generic.when(operator.is_instance, lambda x: x.casefold())), ... None ... ) """ if value is not None: return transform(value) return value