Source code for gamla.functional

import dataclasses
import functools
import hashlib
import heapq
import inspect
import itertools
import json
import os
import random
from concurrent import futures
from operator import truediv
from typing import (

import heapq_max
import immutables
import toolz

from gamla import construct, currying, excepts_decorator, operator
from gamla.optimized import sync

[docs]def sort_by(key: Callable): """Return a new list containing all items from the iterable in ascending order, sorted by a key. >>> sort_by(len)(["hi!", "my", "name", "is"]) ['my', 'is', 'hi!', 'name'] """ def sort_by(seq: Iterable): return sorted(seq, key=key) return sort_by
[docs]def sort_by_reversed(key: Callable): """Return a new list containing all items from the iterable in descending order, sorted by a key. >>> sort_by_reversed(lambda x: x % 10)([2231, 47, 19, 100]) [19, 47, 2231, 100] """ def sort_by_reversed(seq: Iterable): return sorted(seq, key=key, reverse=True) return sort_by_reversed
#: Return a new list containing all items from the iterable in ascending order #: >>> sort([5,2,4,1]) #: '[1,2,4,5]' sort = sort_by(operator.identity) #: Return a new list containing all items from the iterable in descending order #: >>> sort([5,2,4,1]) #: '[5,4,2,1]' sort_reversed = sort_by_reversed(operator.identity) def do_if(condition, fun): def inner_do_if(x): if condition(x): fun(x) return x return inner_do_if def singleize(func: Callable) -> Callable: def wrapped(some_input): if isinstance(some_input, tuple): return func(some_input) return operator.head(func((some_input,))) async def wrapped_async(some_input): if isinstance(some_input, tuple): return await func(some_input) return operator.head(await func((some_input,))) if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func): return wrapped_async return wrapped
[docs]def ignore_input(inner: Callable[[], Any]) -> Callable: """Returns `inner` function ignoring the provided inputs. >>> ignore_input(lambda: 0)(1) 0 """ def ignore_and_run(*args, **kwargs): return inner() async def ignore_and_run_async(*args, **kwargs): return await inner() if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(inner): return ignore_and_run_async return ignore_and_run
[docs]def just_raise(exception): """Raises the given exception. >>> just_raise(KeyError) raise exception KeyError """ raise exception
[docs]def make_raise(exception): """Returns a function that ignores the input and just raises the given exception. >>> f = make_raise(KeyError) >>> f(3) raise exception KeyError """ def inner(): raise exception return ignore_input(inner)
[docs]@currying.curry def translate_exception(func: Callable, exc1: Exception, exc2: Exception): """A functional try/except block: if `func` fails with `exc1`, raise `exc2`. >>> from gamla import functional_generic >>> functional_generic.pipe(iter([]), translate_exception(next, StopIteration, ValueError)) ValueError Note: `func` is assumed to be unary.""" return excepts_decorator.excepts(exc1, make_raise(exc2), func)
[docs]def to_json(obj): """Return a `JSON` representation of a 'dictionary' or an object. >>> to_json({"one": 1, "two": 2}) '{"one": 1, "two": 2}' """ if hasattr(obj, "to_json"): return obj.to_json() return json.dumps(obj)
# To get a unique caching key for each function invocation, we take `args` and `items()` # of `kwargs` and sort them (by keys), while also marking the beginning of `kwargs`. # Inspired by: (python LRU cache # implementation).
[docs]def make_call_key(args, kwargs): """Stable id for function calls, can be used for caching.""" key = args if kwargs: key += "##kwargs##", tuple(sorted(kwargs.items())) return key
[docs]def compute_stable_json_hash(item) -> Text: """Only works on json valid data types.""" return hashlib.sha1( json.dumps( item, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ":"), ).encode("utf-8"), ).hexdigest()
make_hashed_call_key = sync.compose_left( lambda *args, **kwargs: (args, kwargs),, compute_stable_json_hash, )
[docs]@currying.curry def assert_that_with_message(input_to_message: Callable, f: Callable): """Assert a function `f` on the input, printing the output of `input_to_message(input)` if assertion is False. >>> assert_that_with_message(just("Input is not 2!"), equals(2))(2) 2 >>> assert_that_with_message(just("Input is not 2!"), equals(2))(3) "Output is not 2!" """ def assert_that_f(inp): assert f(inp), input_to_message(inp) return inp return assert_that_f
assert_that = assert_that_with_message(construct.just("")) @currying.curry def pmap(f, n_workers, it): # The `tuple` is for callers convenience (even without it, the pool is eager). return tuple(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_workers).map(f, it))
[docs]@currying.curry def top(iterable: Iterable, key=operator.identity): """Generates elements from max to min. >>> tuple(top((1, 3, 2))) (3, 2, 1) >>> tuple(top(('a', 'aa', 'aaa'), len)) ('aaa', 'aa', 'a') """ h: List = [] for i, value in enumerate(iterable): # Use the index as a tie breaker. heapq_max.heappush_max(h, (key(value), i, value)) while h: yield operator.nth(2)(heapq_max.heappop_max(h))
[docs]@currying.curry def bottom(iterable, key=operator.identity): """Generates elements from min to max. >>> tuple(bottom((3, 2, 1))) (1, 2, 3) >>> tuple(bottom((1, 2, 3, 4), lambda x: x % 2 == 0)) (1, 3, 2, 4) """ h = [] for i, value in enumerate(iterable): # Use the index as a tie breaker. heapq.heappush(h, (key(value), i, value)) while h: yield operator.nth(2)(heapq.heappop(h))
[docs]@currying.curry def assoc_in(d, keys, value, factory=dict): """Associate a value to the input dict given the path "keys". >>> assoc_in({"a": {"b": 1}}, ["a", "b"], 2) {'a': {'b': 2}} """ return update_in(d, keys, lambda x: value, value, factory)
[docs]@currying.curry def update_in(d: dict, keys: Iterable, func: Callable, default=None, factory=dict): """Gets a (potentially nested) dictionary, key(s) and a function, and return new `dictionary` d' where d'[key] = func(d[key]). >>> inc = lambda x: x + 1 >>> update_in({'a': 0}, ['a'], inc) {'a': 1} """ ks = iter(keys) k = next(ks) rv = inner = factory() rv.update(d) for key in ks: if k in d or isinstance(d, list): d = d[k] if isinstance(d, dict): dtemp = {} dtemp.update(d) elif isinstance(d, list): dtemp = [] dtemp.extend(d) else: dtemp = factory() else: d = dtemp = factory() inner[k] = inner = dtemp k = key if k in d: inner[k] = func(d[k]) else: inner[k] = func(default) return rv
[docs]def dataclass_transform( attr_name: Text, attr_transformer: Callable[[Any], Any], ): """Return a new instance of the dataclass where new_dataclass_instance.attr_name = attr_transformer(dataclass_instance.attr_name) >>> @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) ... class C: ... x: int >>> c = C(5) >>> d = dataclass_transform('x', lambda i: i * 2)(c) >>> assert d.x == 10 """ transformation = sync.compose_left( operator.attrgetter(attr_name), attr_transformer, ) def dataclass_transform(dataclass_instance): return dataclasses.replace( dataclass_instance, **{ attr_name: transformation(dataclass_instance), }, ) return dataclass_transform
dataclass_transform_attribute = sync.binary_curry(dataclass_transform) def dataclass_replace(attr_name: Text, attr_value) -> Callable: return dataclass_transform(attr_name, lambda _: attr_value) dataclass_replace_attribute = sync.binary_curry(dataclass_replace) _R = TypeVar("_R") _E = TypeVar("_E") @currying.curry def reduce( reducer: Callable[[_R, _E], _R], initial_value: _R, elements: Iterable[_E], ) -> _R: return functools.reduce(reducer, elements, initial_value)
[docs]@currying.curry def suffix(val: Any, it: Iterable): """Add a value to the end of an iterable. Return an iterable. >>> tuple(suffix(4, (1, 2, 3))) (1, 2, 3, 4) """ return itertools.chain(it, (val,))
[docs]@currying.curry def prefix(val: Any, it: Iterable): """Add a value to the beginning of an iterable. Return an iterable. >>> tuple(prefix(1, (2, 3, 4))) (1, 2, 3, 4) """ return itertools.chain((val,), it)
[docs]@currying.curry def concat_with(new_it: Iterable, it: Iterable): """Concat two iterables. >>> tuple(concat_with((3, 4), (1, 2))) (1, 2, 3, 4) """ return itertools.chain(it, new_it)
@currying.curry def drop_last_while(predicate: Callable[[Any], bool], seq: Sequence) -> Sequence: return sync.pipe( seq, reversed, currying.curry(itertools.dropwhile)(predicate), tuple, reversed, )
[docs]def take_while(predicate: Callable[[Any], bool]): """Take elements from an iterable as long as elements pass some predicate. >>> list(functional.take_while(lambda x: x < 7)([1, 2, 9, 2])) [1, 2] """ def take_while(iterable: Iterable) -> Iterable: for x in iterable: if not predicate(x): break yield x return take_while
@currying.curry def partition_after( predicate: Callable[[Any], bool], seq: Sequence, ) -> Sequence[Sequence]: return toolz.reduce( lambda a, b: (*a, (b,)) if not a or predicate(a[-1][-1]) else (*a[:-1], (*a[-1], b)), seq, (), ) @currying.curry def partition_before( predicate: Callable[[Any], bool], seq: Sequence, ) -> Sequence[Sequence]: return toolz.reduce( lambda a, b: (*a, (b,)) if not a or predicate(b) else (*a[:-1], (*a[-1], b)), seq, (), ) def get_all_n_grams(seq: Sequence) -> Iterable[Tuple]: for i in range(len(seq)): for j in range(i + 1, len(seq) + 1): yield tuple(seq[i:j])
[docs]@currying.curry def eq_by(f, value_1, value_2): """Check if two values are equal when applying f on both of them.""" return f(value_1) == f(value_2)
#: Check if two strings are equal, ignoring case. #: >>> eq_str_ignore_case("HeLlO wOrLd", "hello world") #: True eq_str_ignore_case = eq_by(str.lower)
[docs]@currying.curry def groupby_many_reduce(key: Callable, reducer: Callable, seq: Iterable): """Group a collection by a key function, when the value is given by a reducer function. Parameters: key (Callable): Key function (given object in collection outputs key). reducer (Callable): Reducer function (given object in collection outputs new value). seq (Iterable): Collection. Returns: Dict[Text, Any]: Dictionary where key has been computed by the `key` function and value by the `reducer` function. >>> groupby_many_reduce(head, lambda x, y: x + len(y) if x else len(y), ["hello", "hi", "test", "to"]) {'h': 7, 't': 6} """ result: Dict[Any, Any] = {} for element in seq: for key_result in key(element): result[key_result] = reducer(result.get(key_result, None), element) return result
[docs]def unique_by(f): """Return only unique elements of a sequence defined by function f >>> tuple(unique_by(len)(['cat', 'mouse', 'dog', 'hen'])) ('cat', 'mouse') """ def unique(seq): seen = set() for item in seq: val = f(item) if val not in seen: seen.add(val) yield item return unique
#: Return only unique elements of a sequence #: #: >>> tuple(unique(["cat", "mouse", "dog", "cat"])) #: ('cat', 'mouse', 'dog') unique = unique_by(operator.identity)
[docs]def duplicated_values(seq): """Returns duplicated values from a given sequence. >>> duplicated_values([1,2,2,3,3,4,5]) (2, 3) """ seen = set() duplicates = [] for item in seq: if item in seen: duplicates.append(item) else: seen.add(item) return tuple(duplicates)
[docs]def interpose(el): """Introduces an element between each pair of elements in the input sequence. >>> tuple(interpose("a")([1, 2, 3])) (1, 'a', 2, 'a', 3) """ def interpose_inner(seq): return toolz.interpose(el, seq) return interpose_inner
[docs]def take(n: int): """Get an iterator for the first n elements of a sequence. >>> tuple(take(3) ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) (1, 2, 3) """ def take(seq): return itertools.islice(seq, n) return take
[docs]def drop(n: int): """Drops the first n elements of a sequence. >>> tuple(drop(2)([1,2,3,4,5])) (3,4,5) """ def drop(seq): return itertools.islice(seq, n, None) return drop
[docs]def drop_last(n: int): """Drops the last n elements of a sequence. >>> tuple(drop_last(1)([1,2,3,4,5])) (1,2,3,4) """ def drop_last(seq): return itertools.islice(seq, len(seq) - n) return drop_last
[docs]def flip(func: Callable): """Call the function call with the arguments flipped. >>> import operator; flip(operator.truediv)(2, 6) 3.0 """ @currying.curry def flip(a, b): return func(b, a) return flip
[docs]def sliding_window(n: int): """A sequence of overlapping subsequences. >>> list(sliding_window(2)([1, 2, 3, 4])) [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)] """ def sliding_window(seq): return toolz.sliding_window(n, seq) return sliding_window
[docs]def partition_all(n: int): """Partition all elements of sequence into tuples of length at most n. The final tuple may be shorter to accommodate extra elements. >>> list(partition_all(2)([1, 2, 3, 4])) [(1, 2), (3, 4)] >>> list(partition_all(2)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5,)] """ def partition_all(seq): return toolz.partition_all(n, seq) return partition_all
[docs]def ends_with(expected_tail: Iterable) -> Callable[[Sequence], bool]: """Returns a predicate that checks if an iterabel ends with another iterable. >>> ends_with([1,2,3])((0,1,2,3)) True >>> ends_with([1,2,3])((1,2)) False >>> ends_with([1,2])((3,1,2)) True >>> ends_with([1])(()) False """ class Nothing: pass expected_tail_as_tuple = tuple(expected_tail) def ends_with(seq: Iterable): tail_of_seq = operator.tail(len(expected_tail_as_tuple))(seq) for a, b in itertools.zip_longest( tail_of_seq, expected_tail_as_tuple, fillvalue=Nothing(), ): if a != b: return False return True return ends_with
[docs]def intersect(collections: Collection[Collection]) -> Iterable: """Intersects a group of collections. Caller is responsible to give collections with O(1) containment checks. >>> tuple( gamla.intersect( [ [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5], [4, 2], ] ) ) (4,) """ first_collection, *rest = collections for x in first_collection: if all(x in container for container in rest): yield x
have_intersection = sync.compose_left(intersect, operator.nonempty)
[docs]def function_to_uid(f: Callable) -> str: """Returns a unique identifier for the given function.""" return hashlib.sha1(f.__name__.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
#: Directory path of a given function function_to_directory = sync.compose_left( operator.attrgetter("__code__"), operator.attrgetter("co_filename"), os.path.dirname, )
[docs]def function_and_input_to_identifier(factory) -> Callable: """Returns a unique identifier for the given function and input.""" def inner(args, kwargs) -> str: return sync.pipe( ( function_to_uid(factory), compute_stable_json_hash(make_call_key(args, kwargs)), ), sync.filter(operator.identity), "-".join, ) return inner
#: Average of an iterable. If the sequence is empty, returns 0. #: >>> average([1,2,3]) #: 2.0 average = sync.compose_left( sync.bifurcate(sum, operator.count), excepts_decorator.excepts( ZeroDivisionError, construct.just(0),, ), )
[docs]def attr_equals(attribute: str, equals_what: Any) -> Callable[[Any], bool]: """Returns a function that get an object x and returns whether x.attribute == equals_what >>> attr_equals("imag", 5.0)(8 + 5j) True >>> attr_equals("imag", 5.0)(8) False """ return sync.compose_left( operator.attrgetter(attribute), operator.equals(equals_what), )
[docs]def sample_with_randint(randint: Callable, k: int): """Samples an iterable uniformly in one pass with O(k) memory. >>> sample(2)([1, 2, 3]) frozenset([1,3]) """ def reducer( index_and_sample: Tuple[int, immutables.Map], current, ) -> Tuple[int, immutables.Map]: index, sample = index_and_sample replacement_index = index if index < k else randint(0, index) return ( index + 1, sample.set(replacement_index, current) if replacement_index < k else sample, ) return sync.compose_left( reduce(reducer, (0, immutables.Map())), operator.second, immutables.Map.values, frozenset, )
sample = currying.curry(sample_with_randint)(random.randint) choice = sync.compose(operator.head, sample_with_randint(random.randint, 1))