Source code for gamla.functional_generic

import asyncio
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
from operator import not_
from typing import (

from gamla import (
from gamla.optimized import async_functions, sync

[docs]def compose_left(*funcs): """Compose sync and async functions to operate in series. Returns a function that applies other functions in sequence. The returned function will be an async function iff at least one of the functions in the sequence is async. Functions are applied from left to right so that ``compose_left(f, g, h)(x, y)`` is the same as ``h(g(f(x, y)))``. >>> inc = lambda i: i + 1 >>> compose_left(inc, str)(3) '4' See Also: compose pipe """ return compose(*reversed(funcs))
[docs]def curried_map(f): """Constructs a function that maps elements of a given iterable using the given function. Returns an async function iff `f` is async, else returns a sync function. >>> inc = lambda i: i + 1 >>> curried_map(inc)([3, 4, 5]) [4, 5, 6] """ if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(f): return return
[docs]def curried_to_binary(f): """Constructs a function from a given higher order function and returns its first order counterpart. The given higher order function, `f` is must be a unary function Returns an async function iff `f` is async, else returns a sync function. >>> inc = lambda i: i + 1 >>> f = curried_to_binary(curried_map) >>> f(inc, [1, 2, 3]) [2, 3, 4] """ def internal(param1, param2): return f(param1)(param2) return internal
def any_is_async(funcs): return any(map(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction, funcs)) # Copying `toolz` convention. # TODO(uri): Far from a perfect id, but should work most of the time. # Improve by having higher order functions create meaningful names (e.g. `map`). def _get_name_for_function_group(funcs): return "_OF_".join(map(lambda x: x.__name__, funcs)) def _match_return_typing(x: Callable, y: Callable) -> Dict: if hasattr(y, "__annotations__"): if "return" in y.__annotations__: return {**x.__annotations__, "return": y.__annotations__["return"]} if "return" in x.__annotations__: return dict_utils.remove_key("return")(x.__annotations__) return x.__annotations__ if "return" in x.__annotations__: return dict_utils.remove_key("return")(x.__annotations__) return x.__annotations__
[docs]def compose(*funcs): """Compose sync and async functions to operate in series. Returns a function that applies other functions in sequence. The returned function will be an async function iff at least one of the functions in the sequence is async. Functions are applied from right to left so that ``compose(f, g, h)(x, y)`` is the same as ``f(g(h(x, y)))``. >>> inc = lambda i: i + 1 >>> compose(str, inc)(3) '4' See Also: compose_left pipe """ # TODO(uri): Enable after optimization checks. # prev = funcs[0] # for f in funcs[1:]: # if not type_safety.composable(prev, f, None): # logging.error(f"composing {prev} after {f}, which don't fit") # prev = f if not funcs: return operator.identity if len(funcs) == 1: return funcs[0] if any_is_async(funcs): composed = async_functions.compose(*funcs) else: composed = sync.compose(*funcs) composed = functools.wraps(operator.last(funcs))(composed) frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back composed.__code__ = composed.__code__.replace( co_name=f"{frame.f_code.co_filename}:{frame.f_lineno}", co_filename=frame.f_code.co_filename, co_firstlineno=frame.f_lineno, ) composed.__name__ = _get_name_for_function_group(funcs) composed.__annotations__ = _match_return_typing(composed, operator.head(funcs)) return composed
[docs]def compose_many_to_one(incoming: Iterable[Callable], f: Callable): """Returns a function that applies an itterable of other functions into a single sink function. The returned function will be an async function iff at least one of the given functions is async. ``compose_many_to_one([f, g, k], h)(x, y)`` is the same as ``h(f(x,y), g(x, y), k(x, y))``. >>> compose_many_to_one([sum, sum], lambda x, y: x + y)([1, 2, 3]) 12 See Also: juxt compose_left """ return compose_left(juxt(*incoming), star(f))
[docs]def after(f1): """Second-order composition of `f1` over `f2`. A 'delayed' pipeline, i.e return a function that, given f2, will wait for f2's arguments, and when given, will return f1(f2(args)). >>> allmap = gamla.compose_left(, gamla.after(all)) >>> allmap(lambda x: x == 1)([1, 2, 3]) False """ def after(f2): return compose(f1, f2) return after
[docs]def before(f1): """Second-order composition of `f2` over `f1`.""" def before(f2): return compose_left(f1, f2) return before
[docs]def lazyjuxt( *funcs: Tuple[Callable, ...] ) -> Union[Callable[..., Generator], Callable[..., Coroutine[None, None, Tuple]]]: """Create a function that applies each function in `funcs` to its arguments and returns a generator for the results. Applies the supplied functions lazily as the returned generator is iterated. Reverts to eager implementation if any of `funcs` is async. >>> inc = lambda x: x + 1 >>> double = lambda x: x * 2 >>> tuple(lazyjuxt(inc, double)(10)) (11, 20) """ if any_is_async(funcs): funcs = tuple(map(after(async_functions.to_awaitable), funcs)) async def lazyjuxt_async(*args, **kwargs): return await asyncio.gather(*map(lambda f: f(*args, **kwargs), funcs)) return lazyjuxt_async def lazyjuxt(*args, **kwargs): for f in funcs: yield f(*args, **kwargs) return lazyjuxt
[docs]def juxt(*funcs: Callable) -> Callable[..., Tuple]: """Create a function that applies each function in :funcs: to its arguments and returns a tuple of the results. >>> inc = lambda x: x + 1 >>> double = lambda x: x * 2 >>> juxt(inc, double)(10) (11, 20) """ if any_is_async(funcs): funcs = tuple(map(after(async_functions.to_awaitable), funcs)) async def juxt_async(*args, **kwargs): return await asyncio.gather(*map(lambda f: f(*args, **kwargs), funcs)) return compose(tuple, juxt_async) def juxt(*args, **kwargs): return tuple(func(*args, **kwargs) for func in funcs) return juxt
#: Pass a value through a list of functions, return `True` iff all functions returned `True`-ish values. #: #: >>> f = alljuxt(gamla.identity, gamla.greater_than(1), gamla.greater_than(10)) #: >>> f(100) #: True #: >>> f(10) #: False alljuxt = compose(after(all), lazyjuxt) #: Pass a value through a list of functions, return `True` if at least one function returned a `True`-ish value. # Note: evaluation is lazy, i.e. returns on first `True`. #: #: >>> f = anyjuxt(gamla.identity, gamla.greater_than(1), gamla.greater_than(10)) #: >>> f(100) #: True #: >>> f(10) #: True #: >>> f(0) #: False anyjuxt = compose(after(any), lazyjuxt) #: Create a function that calls the supplied functions, and chains the results. #: Assumes the supplied functions return Iterables. #: >>> f = juxtcat(range,range) #: >>> tuple(f(5)) #: (0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4) juxtcat = compose(after(itertools.chain.from_iterable), lazyjuxt)
[docs]def ternary(condition, f_true, f_false): """Returns a function that computes `f_true` or `f_false` according to `condition`. The functions are applied with the same input. The returned function will be an async function if at least one of the given functions is async. >>> f = ternary(gamla.greater_than(5), gamla.identity, lambda i: -i) >>> f(6) '6' >>> f(3) '-3' """ if any_is_async([condition, f_true, f_false]): async def ternary_inner_async(*args, **kwargs): return ( await async_functions.to_awaitable(f_true(*args, **kwargs)) if await async_functions.to_awaitable(condition(*args, **kwargs)) else await async_functions.to_awaitable(f_false(*args, **kwargs)) ) return ternary_inner_async return sync.ternary(condition, f_true, f_false)
[docs]def when(condition: Callable, f_true: Callable) -> Callable: """Returns `f_true(args)` if `condition(args)` returns true, else returns args. >>> f = when(gamla.greater_than(5), lambda i: -i) >>> f(6) '-6' >>> f(3) '3' """ return ternary(condition, f_true, operator.identity)
[docs]def unless(condition, f_false): """Returns a function that computes `f_false` if `condition` is met. Otherwise will return the input unchanged. `condition` and `f_false` are applied with the same input. >>> f = unless(gamla.greater_than(5), lambda i: -i) >>> f(6) '6' >>> f(3) '-3' """ return ternary(condition, operator.identity, f_false)
[docs]def first(*funcs, exception_type: Type[Exception]): """Constructs a function that computes all functions from `funcs`, and returns the first function that doesn't throw an exception of type `exception_type`. The function is async if at least one of the given functions is async. If all functions throw the given `exception_type`, `exception_type` will be raised. >>> f = gamla.first(gamla.second, gamla.head, exception_type=StopIteration) >>> f([1,2]) '2' >>> f([1]) '1' >>> f([]) StopIteration raised """ if any_is_async([*funcs]): async def inner_async(*args, **kwargs): for func in funcs: try: return await async_functions.to_awaitable(func(*args, **kwargs)) except exception_type: pass raise exception_type return inner_async def inner(*args, **kwargs): for func in funcs: try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except exception_type: pass raise exception_type return inner
[docs]class PipeNotGivenAnyFunctions(Exception): # noqa pass
[docs]def pipe(val, *funcs): """Pipe a value through a sequence of functions I.e. ``pipe(val, f, g, h)`` is equivalent to ``h(g(f(val)))`` >>> double = lambda i: 2 * i >>> pipe(3, double, str) '6' """ if not funcs: raise PipeNotGivenAnyFunctions if any_is_async(funcs): return async_functions.compose(*reversed(funcs))(val) for f in funcs: val = f(val) return val
#: Map an iterable using a function, return `True` iff all mapped values are `True`-ish. #: >>> f = allmap(lambda x: x % 2 == 0) #: >>> f([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) #: False #: >>> f([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]) #: True allmap = compose(after(all), curried_map) #: Map an iterable using a function, return `True` if at least one mapped value is `True`-ish. #: Note: evaluation is lazy, i.e. returns on first `True`. #: >>> f = anymap(lambda x: x % 2 == 0) #: >>> f([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) #: True #: >>> f([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) #: False anymap = compose(after(any), curried_map) #: Constructs a function that applies the given function to items of a given dictionary. #: Returns an async function iff the filter function is async, else returns a sync function. #: #: >>> f = itemmap( key, val: (key, val + key))) #: >>> f({1: 2, 2: 3}) #: {1: 3, 2: 5} itemmap = compose(after(dict), before(dict.items), curried_map) #: Creates a function that maps supplied mapper over the keys of a dict. #: #: >>> f = keymap(lambda k: k + 1) #: >>> f({1:"a",2:"b",3:"c",4:"d"}) #: { #: 2: "a", #: 3: "b", #: 4: "c", #: 5: "d" #: } keymap = compose( itemmap, lambda f: juxt(f, operator.second), before(operator.head), ) #: Creates a function then maps the supplied mapper over the values of a dict. #: #: >>> f = valmap(gamla.add(1)) #: >>> f({ "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 }) #: { #: "a": 2 #: "b": 3 #: "c": 4 #: } valmap = compose( itemmap, lambda f: juxt(operator.head, f), before(operator.second), )
[docs]def pair_with(f): """Returns a function that given a value x, returns a tuple of the form: (f(x), x). >>> add_one = pair_with(lambda x: x + 1) >>> add_one(3) (4, 3) """ return juxt(f, operator.identity)
[docs]def pair_right(f): """Returns a function that given a value x, returns a tuple of the form: (x, f(x)). >>> add_one = pair_right(lambda x: x + 1) >>> add_one(3) (3, 4) """ return juxt(operator.identity, f)
#: Constructs a function that filters elements of a given iterable for which function returns true. #: Returns an async function iff the filter function is async, else returns a sync function. #: #: >>> f = curried_filter(gamla.greater_than(10)) #: >>> f([1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13]) #: [11, 12, 13] curried_filter = compose( after( sync.compose(, sync.filter(operator.head), ), ), curried_map, pair_with, ) #: Constructs a function that filters items of a given dictionary for which function returns true. #: Returns an async function iff the filter function is async, else returns a sync function. #: #: >>> f = itemfilter( #: ... alljuxt( #: ... compose_left(gamla.head, gamla.contains("gamla")), #: ... compose_left(gamla.second, gamla.greater_than(10)), #: ... ) #: ... ) #: >>> f({"gamla": 11, "gaml": 9, "f":12}) #: {'gamla': 11} itemfilter = compose(after(dict), before(dict.items), curried_filter) #: Create a function that filters a dict using a predicate over keys. #: #: >>> f = keyfilter(lambda k: k > 2) #: >>> f({1:"a",2:"b",3:"c",4:"d"}) #: { #: 3: "c", #: 4: "d" #: } keyfilter = compose( itemfilter, before(operator.head), ) #: Create a function that filters a dict using a predicate over values. #: #: >>> f = valefilter(lambda k: k > 2) #: >>> f({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4}) #: { #: "c": 3, #: "d": 4 #: } valfilter = compose( itemfilter, before(operator.second), ) #: Complement of a boolean function. #: #: >>> f = complement(gamla.greater_than(5)) #: >>> f(10) #: False #: >>> f(1) #: True complement = after(not_) #: Constructs a function that removes elements of a given iterable for which function returns true. #: Returns an async function iff the filter function is async, else returns a sync function. #: #: >>> f = remove(gamla.greater_than(10)) #: >>> tuple(f([1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13])) #: (1, 2, 3) remove = compose(curried_filter, complement) _make_async = sync.after(async_functions.to_awaitable)
[docs]def case(predicates_and_mappers: Tuple[Tuple[Callable, Callable], ...]): """Applies mappers to values according to predicates. If no predicate matches, raises `gamla.functional_generic.NoConditionMatched`. >>> f = case(((gamla.less_than(10), gamla.identity), (gamla.greater_than(10), gamla.add(100)))) >>> f(5) 5 >>> f(15) 115 >>> f(10) `NoConditionMatched` """ if any_is_async(operator.concat(predicates_and_mappers)): predicates, mappers = zip(*predicates_and_mappers) predicates = tuple(map(_make_async, predicates)) mappers = tuple(map(_make_async, mappers)) async def case_async(*args, **kwargs): for is_matched, mapper in zip( await asyncio.gather(*map(lambda f: f(*args, **kwargs), predicates)), mappers, ): if is_matched: return await mapper(*args, *kwargs) raise sync.NoConditionMatched({"input args": args, "input kwargs": kwargs}) return case_async return
#: Applies functions to values according to predicates given in a dict. Raises `gamla.functional_generic.NoConditionMatched` if no predicate matches. #: >>> f = case_dict({gamla.less_than(10): gamla.identity, gamla.greater_than(10): gamla.add(100)}) #: >>> f(5) #: 5 #: >>> f(15) #: 115 #: >>> f(10) #: `NoConditionMatched` case_dict = sync.compose_left(dict.items, tuple, case) async def _await_dict(value): if isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, data.frozendict): return await pipe( value, # In case input is a `frozendict`. dict, valmap(_await_dict), ) if isinstance(value, Iterable) and not isinstance(value, str): return await pipe(value,, type(value)) return await async_functions.to_awaitable(value) def map_dict(nonterminal_mapper: Callable, terminal_mapper: Callable): f = sync.map_dict(nonterminal_mapper, terminal_mapper) if any_is_async([nonterminal_mapper, terminal_mapper]): return compose_left(f, _await_dict) return f def _iterdict(d): results = [] map_dict(operator.identity, results.append)(d) return results _has_coroutines = compose_left(_iterdict, any_is_async)
[docs]def apply_spec(spec: Dict): """Named transformations of a value using named functions. >>> spec = {"len": len, "sum": sum} >>> apply_spec(spec)([1,2,3,4,5]) {'len': 5, 'sum': 15} Notes: - The dictionary can be nested. - Returned function will be async iff any leaf is an async function. """ if _has_coroutines(spec): async def apply_spec_async(*args, **kwargs): return await map_dict( operator.identity, compose_left( apply_utils.apply(*args, **kwargs), async_functions.to_awaitable, ), )(spec) return apply_spec_async def apply_spec_sync(*args, **kwargs): return sync.map_dict(operator.identity, lambda f: f(*args, **kwargs))(spec) return apply_spec_sync
#: Construct a function that applies the i'th function in an iterable # on the i'th element of a given iterable #: #: Note: Number of functions should be equal to the number of elements in the given iterable #: #: >>> stack([lambda x:x+1, lambda x:x-1])((5, 5)) #: (6, 4) stack = compose_left( enumerate, i, f: compose(f, lambda x: x[i])), ),, )
[docs]def bifurcate(*funcs): """Serially run each function on tee'd copies of a sequence. If the sequence is a generator, it is duplicated so it will not be exhausted (which may incur a substantial memory signature in some cases). >>> f = bifurcate(sum, gamla.count) >>> seq = map(gamla.identity, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> f(seq) (15, 5) """ return compose_left(iter, lambda it: itertools.tee(it, len(funcs)), stack(funcs))
[docs]def value_to_dict(key: Text): """Converts a string and Any input to a dict object. >>> value_to_dict("hello")("world") {'hello': 'world'} """ return compose_left( construct.wrap_tuple, functional.prefix(key), construct.wrap_tuple, dict, )
_ReducerState = TypeVar("_ReducerState") _ReducedElement = TypeVar("_ReducedElement") Reducer = Callable[[_ReducerState, _ReducedElement], _ReducerState] def reduce_curried( reducer: Reducer, initial_value: _ReducerState, ) -> Callable[[Iterable[_ReducedElement]], _ReducerState]: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(reducer): async def reduce_async(elements): state = initial_value for element in elements: state = await reducer(state, element) return state return reduce_async return sync.reduce(reducer, initial_value)
[docs]def scan( reducer: Reducer, initial_value: _ReducerState, ) -> Callable[[Iterable[_ReducedElement]], Tuple[_ReducerState, ...]]: """Like `reduce`, but keeps history of states. See""" if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(reducer): async def reduce_keeping_history_async( past_states: Tuple[_ReducerState, ...], element: _ReducedElement, ) -> Tuple[_ReducerState, ...]: return (*past_states, await reducer(operator.last(past_states), element)) return reduce_curried(reduce_keeping_history_async, (initial_value,)) def reduce_keeping_history( past_states: Tuple[_ReducerState, ...], element: _ReducedElement, ) -> Tuple[_ReducerState, ...]: return (*past_states, reducer(operator.last(past_states), element)) return reduce_curried(reduce_keeping_history, (initial_value,))
#: Constructs a function that will return the first element of an iterable, #: that returns True when used with the the given function. If no element #: in the iterable returns True, None is returned. #: #: >>> f = find(gamla.greater_than(10)) #: >>> f([1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13]) #: 11 #: >>> f([1, 2, 3]) #: None find = compose( after( excepts_decorator.excepts( StopIteration, construct.just(None), operator.head, ), ), curried_filter, ) #: Constructs a function that will return the index of an element of an iterable, #: that returns True when used with the the given function. If no element # in the iterable returns True, -1 is returned. #: #: >>> f = find(gamla.greater_than(10)) #: >>> f([1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13]) #: 11 #: >>> f([1, 2, 3]) #: -1 #: #: See Also: #: - find find_index = compose_left( before(operator.second), find, before(enumerate), after(ternary(operator.equals(None), construct.just(-1), operator.head)), ) def _inner_merge_with(dicts): if len(dicts) == 1 and not isinstance(dicts[0], Mapping): dicts = dicts[0] result = {} for d in dicts: for k, v in d.items(): if k in result: result[k].append(v) else: result[k] = [v] return result map_filter_empty = compose_left(curried_map, after(curried_filter(operator.identity))) def merge_with(f): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(f): async def merge_with(*dicts): result = _inner_merge_with(dicts) return await valmap(f)(result) return merge_with def merge_with(*dicts): result = _inner_merge_with(dicts) return sync.valmap(f)(result) return merge_with merge = sync.compose_left(lambda *x: x if len(x) > 1 else x[0], sync.merge) mapcat = compose_left(curried_map, after(operator.concat)) _K = TypeVar("_K") def _groupby_helper(state, current): x = state or [] x.append(current) return x
[docs]def groupby( key: Callable[[_ReducedElement], _K], ) -> Callable[[Iterable[_ReducedElement]], Mapping[_K, Tuple[_ReducedElement, ...]]]: """Return a mapping `{y: {x s.t. key(x) = y}}.` >>> names = ['alice', 'bob', 'barbara', 'frank', 'fred'] >>> f = groupby(gamla.head) >>> f(names) {"a": ("alice",), "b": ("bob", "barbara"), "f": ("frank", "fred")} """ return compose_left( functional.groupby_many_reduce( compose_left(key, construct.wrap_tuple), _groupby_helper, ), sync.valmap(tuple), )
def is_generator(iterable): return hasattr(iterable, "__iter__") and not hasattr(iterable, "__len__")
[docs]def side_effect(f: Callable): """Runs `f` on `x`, returns `x` >>> log_and_add = compose_left(side_effect(print), add(1))) >>> log_and_add(2) 2 3 """ if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(f): async def do(x): if is_generator(x): a, b = itertools.tee(x) await f(a) return b await f(x) return x else: def do(x): if is_generator(x): a, b = itertools.tee(x) f(a) return b f(x) return x return do
[docs]def count_by_many(f: Callable[[Any], Iterable]) -> Dict[Any, int]: """Counts elements of a collection by a key function `f`. >>> count_by_many( ... gamla.juxt( ... operator.head, ... gamla.last, ... ) ... )(["aa", "ab", "ac", "bc"]) {'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 2} """ return functional.groupby_many_reduce( f, lambda x, _: x + 1 if x else 1, )
countby_many = count_by_many #: Like `count_by_many` but with a function that returns a single key. count_by = compose_left(after(construct.wrap_tuple), count_by_many) #: Like `stack` but doesn't require additional brackets. packstack = compose_left(operator.pack, stack) #: Runs `packstack` with given functions, then runs `all` on the output. allstack = compose_left(packstack, after(all)) #: Runs `packstack` with given functions, then runs `any` on the output. anystack = compose_left(packstack, after(any)) def _choose_by_async(f_sync, f_async): def choose_by_async(f): if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(f): return f_async(f) return f_sync(f) return choose_by_async #: Turns a variadic function into an unary one that gets a tuple of args to the original function. #: #: >>> pipe((2, 3), star(lambda x, y: x + y)) #: 5 star = _choose_by_async(, #: Turns a variadic function into an unary one that gets a dict of keywoded args to the original function. #: #: >>> pipe(({"x": 2, "y": 3}), double_star(lambda x, y: x + y)) #: 5 double_star = _choose_by_async(sync.double_star, async_functions.double_star) #: Return a dict with number of occurrences of each value in a sequence. #: >>> frequencies(['cat', 'cat', 'ox', 'pig', 'pig', 'cat']) #: {'cat': 3, 'ox': 1, 'pig': 2} frequencies = count_by(operator.identity)