Source code for gamla.tree

import dataclasses
from typing import Any, Callable

from gamla import construct, currying, dict_utils, functional_generic, operator
from gamla.optimized import async_functions, sync

[docs]@currying.curry def tree_reduce(get_children: Callable, reduce_fn: Callable, tree_node): """Reduces a tree from the bottom up. Given `get_children`, a function from a node to its children, and `reduce_fn`, which gets a node and the results of the reduce on the children, reduces a tree upwards. """ return reduce_fn( tree_node, map(tree_reduce(get_children, reduce_fn), get_children(tree_node)), )
[docs]def tree_reduce_async(get_children: Callable, reduce_fn: Callable): """Async version of `tree_reduce`.""" async def tree_reduce_async_inner(tree_node): return await reduce_fn( tree_node, await functional_generic.pipe( tree_node, get_children, functional_generic.curried_map( tree_reduce_async(get_children, reduce_fn), ), ), ) return tree_reduce_async_inner
[docs]def map_reduce_tree(children: Callable, reducer: Callable, mapper: Callable): """Like `tree_reduce`, but allows for an async map stage first, so it can be parallelized.""" return functional_generic.compose_left( functional_generic.juxt( functional_generic.compose_left( children, functional_generic.curried_map( ( async_functions.thunk if functional_generic.any_is_async([children, reducer, mapper]) else sync.thunk )(map_reduce_tree, children, reducer, mapper), ), tuple, ), mapper, ),, )
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class KeyValue: key: Any value: Any
_is_terminal = sync.anyjuxt( operator.is_instance(str), operator.is_instance(int), operator.is_instance(float), ) def _get_children(element): return functional_generic.case_dict( { _is_terminal: construct.just(()), operator.is_instance(tuple): operator.identity, operator.is_instance(list): operator.identity, operator.is_instance(dict): functional_generic.compose_left( dict.items,, ), operator.is_instance(KeyValue): functional_generic.compose_left( lambda x: x.value, sync.ternary( _is_terminal, construct.wrap_tuple, _get_children, ), ), }, )(element) _MATCHED = "matched" _UNMATCHED = "unmatched" _get_matched = dict_utils.itemgetter(_MATCHED) _get_unmatched = dict_utils.itemgetter(_UNMATCHED) def _make_matched_unmatched(matched, unmatched): return {_MATCHED: matched, _UNMATCHED: unmatched} _merge_children_as_matched = functional_generic.compose_left( sync.mapcat(sync.juxtcat(_get_matched, _get_unmatched)), tuple, functional_generic.pair_right(construct.just(())),, ) _merge_children = sync.compose_left( functional_generic.bifurcate( sync.compose_left(sync.mapcat(_get_matched), tuple), sync.compose_left( sync.mapcat(_get_unmatched), tuple, ), ),, ) @currying.curry def _get_anywhere_reducer(predicate: Callable, node, children): if _is_terminal(node): return _make_matched_unmatched((), (node,)) if isinstance(node, KeyValue) and predicate(node.key): return _merge_children_as_matched(children) return _merge_children(children)
[docs]def get_leaves_by_ancestor_predicate(predicate: Callable): """Gets a predicate, and builds a function that gets a dictionary, potentially nested and returns an iterable of leaf values. The values returned are of leafs where some ancestor (possibly indirect) passes the predicate. >>> gamla.pipe({"x": {"y": (1, 2, 3)}}, gamla.get_leaves_by_ancestor_predicate(gamla.equals("x")), tuple) (1, 2, 3) >>> gamla.pipe({"x": {"y": (1, 2, 3)}}, gamla.get_leaves_by_ancestor_predicate(gamla.equals("z")), tuple) () Useful for retrieving values from large json objects, where the exact path is unimportant. """ return functional_generic.compose_left( tree_reduce(_get_children, _get_anywhere_reducer(predicate)), _get_matched, )
@currying.curry def _filter_leaves_reducer(predicate, node, children): if _is_terminal(node) and predicate(node): return (node,) return operator.concat(children)
[docs]def filter_leaves(predicate: Callable): """Gets a predicate, and builds a function that gets a dictionary, potentially nested and returns an iterable of leaf values. The values returned are of leafs that pass the predicate. >>> gamla.pipe({"x": {"y": (1, 2, 3)}}, gamla.filter_leaves(gamla.greater_than(2)), tuple) (3,) Useful for retrieving values from large json objects, where the exact path is unimportant. """ return tree_reduce(_get_children, _filter_leaves_reducer(predicate))
#: Reduce a JSON like tree. json_tree_reduce = tree_reduce(_get_children)